Even my sister, Angah dah berjangkit dengan Ayah..hihi. The last time we ym-ed, she told me that Ayah asked what am I drinking here…again. Hehe. And she was all ‘Bersih ke tu….Okay ke tu…’ when I told her the same thing I told my dad before, that there is a clean water supply here. Adoi… sabar je. Maybe somehow he found out about me getting sick before…I think I did tell my mom……Oh well. It’s not that big a deal here anyway. Everyone gets sick at least once when they get here. And not just water, even getting clean food is a tedious task here. And after a while, you’re okay. Not because the food’s gotten any cleaner, but because your body adapts to the environment and what not. Huih! Ni dah jauh lari dari topik ni….hoho. Back on track folks. Last time my dad SMSed me, again, ‘the water subject’ came up. He said ‘kalau ada air Elken bagus’ and to only drink mineral water if I go to town. Hehehh. Some habits die hard, or so they say. So layankan jela….hehe...
And he replied something like this "Thank you, it didn’t even cross my mid that I’m now 64, it seems like it was only yesterday that you and Nawal were going to Carver Elementary (Carver Elementary is my school back in LA, masa tu ayah kerja ngn MSD aka Jabatan Penuntut Malaysia kt US) We all miss you, but don’t worry we’ll be alright. After all, I’m older to you only by two weeks” (since my birthday’s on 1st January, about two weeks from him) Hehe. So he was trying to say that he’s also still young, still 21 like me,haha..! Ayah, ayah…perasan!! Hehe. That’s my dad, never wants to settle down and enjoy retirement life. If you ask him, I’m sure he won’t admit that he’s retired! Hoho. Ada je benda yang nak di’busy’kan. UMNO la, Kelab Warga Emas la..That’s my dad. Hohoho. (My dad is a through and through UMNO man, but unlike SOME people who's in it only for the money or gain whatever they try to gain, he's in it because of passion, because he remembers how hard it was during the old days and who fought for Malaysia, so don't judge him for that! There's no black and white in life people. There's only shades of grey. Being an 'blue' or 'green' man does NOT define who you are!)
I’m sure once I get back I’ll resume the task of being his coffeemaker, and tukang urut too! Hehe. I’ve been the resident ‘tukang urut kaki’ Ayah since, forever I think. I inherited it from Nawal, and somehow, stuck with it. Muna never took over!!! Haha. I guess since Muna selalu urut kuat sangat, while he says that I urut his feet like ‘orang tak makan’ Ngahaha. I’ve never had strong hands anyway, so no surprise there..With that, I’ll end this note with a ‘TAK SABAR NAK BALIK!!!’ hoho. Harus menempuh Soca and Osce dulu la….Isk.
Okay! HARUS STUDY! Bye bye, see you soon. Wassalam, *kisses*
(click to enlarge)



Saja nak share, jumpa lawak ni tadi..hehe.enjoy.
Lawak orang asli
Pada suatu hari sepasukan Polis membuat Road Block bagi memeriksa penunggang motorsikal yang tidak memiliki lesen memandu. Tiba-tiba mereka ternampak sekeluarga Orang Asli menaiki motorsikal. Mereka naik bertiga dan tidak memakai topi keledar. Maka polis tersebut ingin menahan orang asli ini. Akan tetapi orang asli tu tidak berhenti malah memecut motorsikalnya dengan laju. Polis tadi pun terkejut dan mereka hanya membiarkan sahaja orang asli tersebut dengan beranggapan bahawa orang asli mungkin tak faham undang-undang. Selepas kira-kira tujuh minit berlalu, orang asli tadi datang semula dengan motorsikalnya tetapi kali ini hanya seorang sahaja. di hadapan polis, orang asli itu berkata dengan bersahaja. katanya "...maaflah encik tadi saya tak berhenti pasal dah penuh, sekarang ni dah kosong boleh lah tumpang.."
Tiga orang perompak berjaya merompak sebuah bank di ibu kota.. Apabila sampai di tempat persembunyian... mereka bercadang hendak membahagi-bahagikan wang yang telah dicuri tadi.. "Mari kita bahagikan wang ini secepat mungkin dan terus lari keluar negara..!" kata bos Tiba2 mereka jadi pening kerana terlalu banyak wang yang ada diatas meja itu dan tidak larat hendak mengira kesemua sekali... Tiba-tiba salah seorang dari mereka berkata.."Apa susah2.. malam ni kita tidur aje.. esok pagi kita tengok dalam akhbar.. berapa jumlah wang ini"
Seorang lelaki bekerja di tingkat 13 menara KLCC. Tetibaseseorang menjerit.."Omar! Isteri engkau telefon ada kecemasan..!"Kerana panik, dia terus terjun keluar tingkap dari tingkat 13.Sampai kat tingkat 9, dia teringat yg dia tiada isteri.Sampai kat tingkat 5, dia tersedar dia bujang.Dan ketika dia hampir menyentuh tanah....dia sedar namanya bukanlah Omar!
Ade satu mak cik ni ,die kerje sebagai tukang sapu kat sebuah bangunan. hari2 die kerja kat tingkat 20. hari2 juga dia akan naik lif sampai tingkat 10 dan menaiki tangga utk ke tingkat seterusnye.Seorang despacth yang telah lama memerhatikan sikap mak cik itu dan berase hairan. dgn berani dan hairannye ,dia bertanye kpd mak cik tersebut "kenape mak cik naik lif sampai tingkat 10 lepas tu naik tangga sampai tingkat 20?Dgn marahnyer makcik tersebut berkate "kau tengok tinggi aku". rupenye makcik tu hanye sampai utk menekan butang 10 dlm lif itu...
Pada suatu tengah malam,seorang pemuda sedang berjalan merentasi suatu kwsn perkuburan.Tetiba dia terdengar bunyi "tap,tap,tap...".Dia tak ambil kisah.Tetapi semakin dia berjalan, bunyi itu semakin kuat "Tap,Tap,Tap"."Tapak kaki siapa itu?"fikirnya. Diucapkannya beberapa ayat sambil berjalan semakin pantas. Tetapi bunyi tapakan semakin menghampirinya mbuatkn dia semakin panik, "TAP,TAP,TAP".Tak lama kemudian, dia berjumpa dgn seorang lelaki yg kelihatan sedih dan terduduk pada sebuah batu nisan sambil memukul-mukul batu nisan trsebut dengan seketul batu."Oh,kamu rupanya yg buat bunyi itu, menakutkan aku je...".Lelaki yg sedang mumukul batu nisan itu menjawab, "Oh,minta maaf,aku tak sangka awak berada di sini pd waktu sebegini." Lelaki yg telah reda ketakutannya lalu bertanya dgn hairan,"Tapi Encik,apa tujuan kamu memukul-mukul batu nisan itu pd tgh malam begini?"Lalu dijawabnya, "Aku sedih laaa.... Mereka tersilap eja nama aku atas batu ni....."JENG..JENG..JENG..."
Berhibur tiada salahnya kerna hiburan itu indah,namun pabila salah memilihnya membuat kita jadi bersalah.." Selamat Berhibur! :)
Exam pun bermula...Absen pun di pass-pass oleh pak SBP... Sampai di giliran saya, time nak cari NPM tu, eh sampai 2064 je??? Huaaaa. (NPM saya 2071 skian time kasih). Ops! I'm the guilty one ke??? lol. Masa tu selamba je tulis nama bawah nama last tu and buat bodoh je..ala2 tak bersalah gitu(memang x bersalah pun!!wuwuuuuu) sambil meneruskan jawab exam...
Rupa2nya lagi seorang yang sesat itu adalah Hani...hehe..apela nasib kita Hani...isk3
Pas abis exam tu...Dr.Ismet buat announcement:
"3 orang yang tak ada dalam senarai tadi, siapa, Farhana, besok tak boleh di sini lagi ya.. Harus cari tempat sendiri ya.. Okay, Farhana.." Ha...doc... bukan saya sorang yang sesat, dah la sebut namaku 2 kali,uhuk3, terasa sungguh hina(over la pulak....=p)
Akhirnya, lepas exam baruku tahu, SBP sesuke hati mereka je buat list seating baru, tak cakap pape pun!!!!!!!!!! Ingat kitorang ni ada leh jadi mind reader ke...Aisy. Setakat tampal kat A3.1 tempat clinical skills tu ingat ada orang nak tengok ke?? Gerrrrram. Huh. Tak pasal2 ku dapat publisiti murahan. Huhuhu.
So sekarang saya kena amik exam kat lab Microb... waaaa x bestnya... nak A3.3 jugak... (mengada gila huhuT_T)
ANYWAY. Niat di hati bukan nak cite pasal tu sbenarnya, camne leh sesat ni,huhu. Niat di hati nak buat list apa yang mahu dimakan setibanya di Malaysia...haha. Xde keje. Tp xpela. Nnt aje. Mood nak bcita dah ilang.. (ilang la sangat, td tu apa=p)
1hb Feb! Cepatla tiba... Tak sabar tak sabar tak sabar.
Ya Allah Kau permudahkanlah segala urusanku... Rabbi Yassir wala tu'assir Ya Rabb..
Hawa bukanlah insan yg kuat..
bukan juga insan yg bisa menahan nafsu..
tatkala diri diuji, Hawa sering tewas...
tewas dgn godaan syaitan & nafsu sendiri..
Hawa ini berjiwa lembut...
sukar untuk Hawa menolak bila Adam meminta...
Hawa tau permintaan Adam
tak mungkin membawa Hawa ke kancah maksiat...
namun, Hawa lemah...
Hawa takut zina hati...
setiap kali 'sms' diterima..
Hawa keliru...
ingin sekali Hawa membiarkan sahaja..
tapi Hawa akur tuntutan sahabat...
Hawa tewas...
Hawa reply juga...
mengenangkan Adam adalah sahabat....
setiap layanan yg Hawa beri hanya sekadar membantu..
mungkin Hawa adalah antara kasih sayang Allah yg dikurniakan buat Adam..
memudahkan perjalanan hidup Adam..
jgn disalah tafsir apa yg Hawa berikan..
Hawa mengharapkan Adam menjaga Hawa..
namun,bukanlah 'couple' yg Hawa pinta...
tp cukuplah sekadar tidak memandang Hawa..
cukuplah sekadar menghormati Hawa sebagai Hawa..
jgn dipinta apa yg tak mampu Hawa berikan..
kerana Hawa milik Allah sepenuhnya...
Saya dengan segala hormatnya mahu berkongsi subjek yang akan diambil untuk final exam ini.
Apa?? Baru 4 bulan lbh blaja dah final??
Ya. Pelik tetapi benar. hoho.
Maka inilah dia.
Ada 2 block iaitu FBS 3 & 4
FBS 3-pathology, microbiology, parasitology, helminthology
FBS 4-laboratory method & clinical diagnosis, pharmacology
Ditambah lagi dengan SOCA iaitu Student Oral Case Analysis dimana ada 8 case.
Tidak dilupakan OSCE iaitu clinical skills evaluation dimana terdapat 8 module.
Semua itu dalam masa 2 minggu.
Sekian terima kasih
oleh kerana saya kekurangan mood skrg ni,
maka saya pn mau mengisi soalan2 ini.
Nah anum nak sangat.
padan muka suruh ak cari,
ak amek yang pjg2
First name:
Fana, Ana, Anabelle, spanar, ana banana,[3 yg last tu adalah idea familiku tersayang=P]
Name you wish you had:
Saya suka nama saya, nama saya besh=p
What do people normally mistake your name as:
Farah, grr sangat x suka walopn maksudnya hampir sama :p
1 January 88
Kuala Lumpur
Time of birth:
9.30 pm
Single or taken:
#Your appearance#
How tall are you?
150+ saya pendek jer
Wish you were taller?
haha. tinggi sket kot, tp alhamdilillah
Eye colour:
Black kot tp kat pasport tulis dark brown
Eye colour you want:
hazel? hahaaaa
Natural hair color:
haih kaler rambut orang mlayu ade kaler lain ke
Current hair color:
sama spt di atas
Short or long hair:
sibuk je nk tau.
Ever dye your hair bizarre colour?
mane boleh
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair:
ha? nak buat ape? rambut je pn=p
Glasses or contact:
contacts!xsuke spek
Ever had hair extension:
#In the opposite gender#
What color eye:
la kisah laT_T
Shy or outgoing:
no comment
Sexy or cute:
Serious or fun:
Older or younger than you:
sebaiknya tua
#This or that#
Flowers or chocolates:
chocolate sbb leh mkn. tp bunga pn bes, nak due2
Pepsi or coke:
due2 xmo. xsuke air gas
Rap or rock:
rock kot
Relationship or one night stand:
nk kawinT_T haha
School or work:
skool sbb jmpe kgkawan work sbb dpt duit!
Love or money:
Movies or music:
ape la. nape mesti ade or
Country or city:
country besh..tnang
Sunny or rainy days:
Friends or family:
dua2 meh.
#Have you ever#
Stole something:
curi baju akak haha. kami sama2 mencuri=p
Hurt someone close to you:
msti pnah..sy hanya manusia bese
Broke someone's heart:
kalo ada harap maaf ye
Had your heart broken:
Wondered what was wrong with you:
slalu je. i'm too self-critical
Wish you were prince/princess:
ish.xmo la
Like someone who was taken:
x baek cmtu..
Shaved your head:
xde keja laen ka..
Use chopstick:
pnah! suke2! =p
Singing the mirror to yourself:
erk lagi skali.
suke yg lemon
kalo lirik die best
xde favret asal baunye sdap
pink biru purple
hmm rmi je
Ever cried over someone:
hmmm? something? kucingku yang dh mati
Is there anything you wish you can change bout yourself:
change jd lebih baik!
Do you think you are attractive:
haha. prasannye kalo ngakuT_T
Do you play any sport:
saya suke men netball tp skrg jarang men. badminton pn
#3 things#
3 things that scared me:
binatang yg terbang2! maggots[takut gila]! creepy crawlies!
3 people who make me laugh:
ramai la
3 things i hate:
erm. xsuke benci2 ni. but i really hate zionis! ya Allah hancurkanlah mereka...
3 things i dont understand:
makhluk dari marikh. knape perang wujud. lagi satu knape xm wujud dlm dunia ni hua3 memen je
3 things im doing rite now:
ym dgn fizat, jwb soklan, peluk bantal
3 things i want to do before i died:
jadi hamba yg soleh..lulus medical school...have a happy family ngeh3
3 things i can do:
buat tag ni skg..
3 things i can't do:
ntah..byk sgt..haha
3 person i want to be tagged:
sape lg. ntah sape2 la
so x menjawab sepenuh hati, skian.


I've just got back from IMAN's program in which we broke fast together at FK[fakultas kedokteran](sempena 10 muharram, hari Asyura). Lepas iftor n solat Maghrib (kami solat di luar surau since ramai sangat yang datang, seronok jugak solat beratapkan langit) ada program Peduli Palestin. We had to go to one of the lecture halls at FK. Ramai sangat yang datang, melebihi dari yg bagi nama. Xpela.. Alhamdulillah ada kesedaran nak join..
Peduli Palestin. That's why I came. Because I care... We all know (or at least, people who aren't ignorant) that Palestine is being attacked brutally by the Zionis Regime (I do not say Israel, you'll learn why later) and hundreds of people have been killed and thousands more injured... I can't explain how saddened I am and how much hatred I feel for those heartless killers who dare to hurt my fellow muslims...My saudara...How everytime I read more and more horrific news about the situation in Gaza, I struggle to hold on to my tears. La Tahzan. That's what I keep telling myself. InsyaAllah mereka yang gugur di sana telah dihadiahkan syahid oleh Allah, so that gives me some solace. If you do not love your fellow muslims as much as you love yourself, the you are not one of them. Sesungguhnya setiap umat Islam itu bersaudara... Those are the words from the holy Al-Quran... Al-Quran itu merupakan kitab yang diturunkan oleh Allah kepada Muhammad SAW supaya menjadi panduan kepada umatnya, tapi sejauh mana kita mengikutinya?
My dear friends...
Apa yang telah kita lakukan untuk saudara-saudara kita di sana? Do we share their pain? Or we do them more harm than we are actually aware? How fortunate we are here, we live in harmony, with no fear of fighter jets dropping bombs off and harming us. But where do those bombs actually come from? From ourselves... We buy McDonalds, we buy Nestle products, we use Revlon, we just love going to STARBUCKS and all the other products in which the profits are used to fund their zest TO KILL OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. I say 'we' because I've also been a culprit of this. It has become some sort of culture, something that we rarely think about. I can't say that I didn't know about this, because I did. And then someone told me, "What can we do? It's just food for us, we've become so accustomed to it, it's not like we agree with what's happening in Palestine..There's nothing we can do except pray for them..." And me... being so blind, so ignorant, so stupid, agree.
How can that be? We pray for them, but at the same time do something that would harm them more? How is that justified? At that time I wasn't convinced, but I followed because it was EASY that way. We may say, "Nak buat mcm mana...sedap sangat la McD," or "Aku tak boleh hidup tanpa Starbucks lah!" But let's think people. Who, or what do you love more? 1.McDonalds; or 2.Allah? Doesn't really compare right? How can you compare some measly food with He who created everything in the first place? Of course Allah! But is that true? What have we done to prove it? Sejauh mana cinta kita padaNya kalau setakat nak meninggalkan nikmat dunia yang sikit sangat sangat pun tak mampu? Kalau betul kita pilih yang no.1(itu sekadar contoh), kita dah meletakkan sesuatu lebih atas dariNya. Maknanya kita dah menyekutukan Allah...!Nauzubillah. Sebenarnya banyak sangat contoh lain. If we just open up our eyes a little bit, we will see what we've done...
But at the same time kita baca dua kalimah syahadah....tapi kosong. Tu baru syahadah, belum yang lain lagi.....
Abg Fahmi said just now, and it's so true...(loose translation): There's more to Islam than just praying 5 times a day, fasting, menutup aurat etc. If you do not love your fellow Muslims, than YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM. Than what does that make us? Think.
How often we forget to refer back to one book that matters most: Al-Quran.
How often we get so carried away with life.
Betapa kotornya hati kita sampaikan bila orang nasihat atau bila hidayah ada depan mata, kita tak nampak, dengar; tapi, tak dengar...
There was a person, she used to cover her aurat, wore the tudung, but after a while, decided not to, 'testing 1 tahun', she said. After a year, her friend asked her, 'It's been a year, when are you going to wear your tudung again?' And she answered: 'Ada ke rukun Islam kata kena pakai tudung?Tak ada kan' Her friend couldn't say anything. She was shocked and speechless. She wanted to ask her friend, 'What is the rukun Iman?' She wanted to say, 'percaya kepada Al-Quran. That means following the teachings of the Quran. And in Al-Quran, it does state that a muslimah has to cover her aurat...' But she had no strength to say that to her friend... and she kept quiet and prayed her friend would soon find her way...
No one is perfect. No one. People make mistakes, we are not maksum like our beloved Prophet Muhammad. But when we don't even feel bad, remorse or guilty when we err, something's not right. When we so freely break the RULES without even thinking about it, something's not right.
Hidayah takkan datang bergolek tanpa kita berusaha, hidayah harus dicari, baru akan dijumpai.
I'm not the best Muslim in the universe. I have my faults. I'm not perfect.
But we have to help each other out. We cannot say, 'Aku pn banyak buat salah, macam mane nak tegur orang lain? Tak layak...' and we also cannot say, 'Alah, ingat dia baik sangat nak nasihat aku, dia pun sama banyak buat dosa.' Kalau tak sampai bila2 still tak ada perubahan. Kata dah menyambut tahun baru...Sama2 kena ingatkan. And at the same time, we remind ourselves. Even if it's the smallest good thing you've done, you will be rewarded by Him.
Fuh. Rasanya dah panjang sangat kot? Huhu.
So the moral of the story is (cehh)
If we follow Al-Quran to the best of our ability, we will succeed.
I've said before that change is the hardest thing in the world.
It's not impossible.




Hehe. Td pegi watch-hunting kat website Fossil. Yes people, these are Fossil watches, which I've always wanted tp x pernah tercapai hasrat nak memilikinya..Kwang3. Don't really mind the brand, I just love the designs! (Oh and you may have noticed all these watches are silver/white...Hehehe. Xtau nape!
You really should! ASTONISHING. Seriously.
Anyway. This is my first post on this blog in a few months. I actually made another one, on Wordpress, but I gave up on it ‘coz I can’t ‘hias’ the blog without subscribing to this package (which isn’t FREE!!*dushdush*) so here I am. Switching loyalties!
I’m having my finals next month. *screaming hysterically*
Okay I feel better now. NOT.
Alright people. Let’s get back to the topic. Sometimes, I don’t understand how the mind works in matters concerning the heart. Haha. I’ve seen how so many people can easily switch from one person to another. And I just don’t understand that. I mean, does being with someone mean so much to people that they find the prospect of being alone so horrible? And do the past relationships mean so little that they can so easily move on? I know that human beings are just looking for happiness, so what’s wrong with moving on? Nothing really. Everyone wants to be happy right? Sometimes life happens and you can’t stay with that person and it has to end.
But for me, there needs to be a period. Not necessarily a mourning period, but just a certain length of time for me to repair myself again. If I was hurt, it would take me a long time to get over it. I don’t trust guys that much. Haha. I’ve seen so much happen to a lot of people that it makes me wary. I can’t just move on from one bad experience and then enter a new one so I can what? Go through the same thing again? No thanks. Maybe I’m a cynic in that way. I mean, I do believe in happy endings, I do. But to me it’s so rare and hard to find. And there are so little good guys out there, at least who I know anyway. And even if there are, sometimes it’s just not enough. Like I said, life happens, things change and nothing can ever be the same.
So right now, I’m comfortable where I am. I’ve got no time for heartbreak anyway. Hehe. Entering this medic world, you have little time for anything else except studying. That is, if you want to do well in your studies. Hehehe. Plus, I don’t need any more sins. I have enough as it is. Let Him hold my heart. If you follow His orders and the Prophet’s teachings, you will always succeed in your life. Sometimes, we as humans forget that the life we live now is just temporary and everything you do now will be questioned later….
One more thing, since we’re talking about what I do and don’t understand, is how people can so easily share their problems, really personal ones, so freely on, say, their blogs or whatever. Of course, I do share what I’m going through on my blog, but some things are better kept to yourself. You don’t really want to show yourself at your weakest point to others. At least I don’t. But everyone has their own ways to live their lives. And to some people, that way is to just let it all out. Whoever reads our blog anyway right? Hahaha.
Alright, I think I’ve babbled long enough. Time to go back studying!
A lot has happened since my last post. Especially last week. I’ve been wanting to write sooner but decided to wait until I had a hold on my emotions. Phew. Those tear glands have definitely been overworking this week..huhu.
Lets start with the less sad news first. Raya Haji dulu. I volunteered to join AJK Memasak[wakaka] with my other mates. So we, the first years had to prepare breakfast for the AJKs n the people who came to watch the Qurban. So we had to stay at the senior’s house in Alpina n prepared the ingredients at night, n goreng nasinya pagi2 lepas Subuh. Seronokla jugak kerja ramai2..kurangla sikit kesedihan x dapat balik raya..huhu. So lepas Subuh, lepas tgk Qurban, kitorang pn pulang ke Bale n sambung tdo….haha. Hari Raya g tdo pulak. yela, bkn pegi beraya ke ape kn..hoho. lgpn lepas Maghrib ade kenduri, n kitorang kena serve lauk make sure cukup utk semorang..so kne la amek beauty sleep dulu kn..hehehe. so pas kenduri tu pn kami pn pulang…habislah hari raya aji utk taun ni..
My batch (Malaysians only) organised this event to bring together all Malaysian students from our batch irrespective of our faculties…N it was called Fiesta Anak Malaysia…sronok sangat! heeee. Finally I got to play netball again. hehe.(x habis2=p) For the uninitiated, the locals here have no idea what netball is(I think I’ve mentioned this before) so this was the only chance I had to really play. So I was happy:) hehe. N I also played baling selipar n futsal…although I kinda sucked at futsal coz I’ve only played ONCE so cm agak hampeh la. haha. Time main tu pn hambar je,wawawa. but it was fun.
So besides all those games there was batu seremban, galah panjang(nyesal x join,huhu), pingpong n tarik tali. Karaoke pn ade! No i’m kidding=p seronok la jugak tengok orang main, tu yang nyesal tu…hohoho~
Nway, the whole event would be incomplete without an annual dinner right? Riiiiiigghttt. So after Maghrib on the same day, we had our dinner at Gedung Biru… The bad PA system kinda put a damper on things, but overall it was ok.. peh,awal2 lagi dah ade tarian Bollywood.adoiiii.huhu.ade 2 pulak tu. satu cm tradisional sket n satu lg modern. Due2nye sungguh mengancam dan lelaki2 pn x lepas dari memandang.adoi lagi skali.huhu. Tp performance from FK, mule2 nk buat band, tp besela, bukan negara kite, so mcm2 alasan xnak bagi guna…kononnye xleh bawak kua from jamming room la..pdhal budak local gune kt luar Bale slambe je…xkesahla..so since xleh bwk kua, so ade psembahan gitar akustik je..n ade budak FK nyanyi,Naz[ceh,glemer die kena mention kt blogku,lol] pehh, nyanyi lagu Kasih Tercipta tu,hahaha. Sume pmpuan yg dengar pn kelihatan semakin cair ktike mendengarkan nyanyian itu,wakaka. Tp cm nasyid sket kedengaran,almaklumla budak nasyid yg nynyi..kui3. Penghargaan juge harus diberi pada Kudin yang memainkan gitar dengan mantapnye[rasenye dgr die main pn dah cair kot?lol] n Aiman yang tukang pegang kertas yg ade chord n lyrics. wahaha.
So after the performances…tayangan gambar pulak…all the events our batch took part in since we arrived here. Best2. n Also…..lastly, gambar orang tidur dlm kelas! hahaha. Habis je,Negaraku pulak…lame dah x nynyi Negaraku.hmmm.
so now we arrive at the sad part. buat muke sedih dulu. huhu. On the 17th, two days after my dad’s birthday on the 15th, my cat died. Jack. When i found out, I felt like I was punched in the face. For a second I couldn’t even move, I just stared at the screen. And then I cried non-stop. At that time I haven’t even clarified the news yet, I just got a comment on Facebook from my sister. “wei. jack dah xde.” I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was seriously considering if she was joking. Except she sounded dead serious. N deep down, I knew it was true. I knew she wouldn’t lie to me about Jack. She knew how I loved him. Heck, she knew how everyone loved him. N when i finally got hold of her, n she confirmed the news, the tears were rolling non stop. I was really looking forward to coming back home to see him, n I was kind of worried I wouldn’t make it in time…but the last time I asked my elder sister Angah, she said that Jack was fine, healthy again, fat…so I relaxed. It turns out my fears became true…Jack is gone now…but I was more sad to hear stories from my sister when he was sick. How he cried in pain in my sister’s room…so even though it hurts, even though I’ll miss him like hell, it’s okay because the last thing I want is for him to suffer. So I’m okay that he’s gone.
It’s been almost a week now..n I’ve been having friends comment on how I look. Like Lola last week, I was walking toward her, n she was like, “aku tgk ko ni makin kurus je,ko ni nape,xmakan ke?” n it was funny coz i ate A LOT. at least i ate like normal. but perutku meragam je smenjak due menjak ni, n i keep getting diarrhea, so maybe that’s why i looked,like,horrible.lol.Naeim pn tegur this morning,while i was waiting to buy Mie Ayam(see,I eat k) he was like “ko ni knape, aku tgk, mcm…mcm…” “pucat?”(me) “haah,mcm..xbermaya,pucat,cm org sakit je” adoi. n lola said the same this morning after class too. “ko ni sihat x ni????” i was fine, except that my tummy ache from yesterday kept bugging me. I think I lost too many electrolyte in my body, i bet my BP must be low right now. Since coming here my BP’s never normal. I dunno why. huhu.
last week, our subject was temperature measurement. doesn’t actually sound like rocket science right? so kitorang pn cm rileks jela, n x bace pn the handout yang diberi..[FYI, the system is such that we learn a topic one week and the evaluation is the next week] but, the week after we had class 4 the temp measurement, we had exams which lasted a week. so that meant we had 2 weeks before the evaluation. n we didn’t study it beforehand, cz ya know,the thermometer cn do the work itself right? haha. right.
so the story goes that we’d have to explain everything, oh i forgot to mention we also had to measure the pulse rate n respiratory rate besides the temperature. during the one-by-one presentation:
Belon[nama diubah supaya x memalukan makhluk tersebut] did it. Ok. so we all watched, n she was explaining about the pulse rate. Ok. for pulse rate, if the pulse rate is below or above the normal there are names for them. if it’s lower, it’s bradycardii. if it’s higher, it’s tarchycardii. so bEloN was explaining bout that, except she completely changed the terminologies,i think it was trachibrachi or something like that. all i remember was that it was really funny n we all laughed. including her. hahaaa. n she started laughing n she wouldn’t stop! sje tried to continue n then she’d break off n laugh again. n the evaluator was dr. afiat who almost never smiles.haha. n then bel0n couldn’t stop laughing but finally she got control of herself n continued….
n then she did it again. she changed tymphanic membrane to tymficus or something like that, and umbilical to umbicyrus[and she did it confidently too!]. n we like loudly whispered to her the correct name, n she started laughing again. so WE started laughing again. n in the end even dr. afiat broke into a smile.. adoi.. i dunno if it sounds funny or not here, but all i know is we couldn’t stop laughing.
oh n i forgot the good part! for the measurement, we only had to take the axillary temperature aka at the armpit. i know, cam geli right. haha. but we had to do it anyway. n during the class dr. afiat said you have to make sure the armpit is dry first. [tissue n alcohol was provided to clean the temperature or whatever,so dear Belon here, she explained about making sure the armpit was dry thingy, n all you had to do was ask the patient if it's dry, n if not, give them a tissue. but belon was a little bit more advance. after explaining, she tore a piece of tissue...........and WIPED THE PATIENT'S ARMPIT HERSELF! n the 'patient' was a guy! n our friend! our groupmate! THE PERSON WE MEET EVERYDAY! she WIPED his ARMPITS herself. that was just so priceless! lol. rotfl.
but we haven't gone to MY part yet.
i was doing fairly well. until the temperature part, haha. first we had to make sure the temperature was below 35 degrees C. so i checked. n i couldn't see no mercury. nu'uh. so the doc said, use the other one. okay. so i took the other one. hmmm. still no mercury. i was like squinting my eyes to see but...to no avail. i was like squinting n squinting n saying 'i can't see i can't see' haha. i was wearing my contacts, so it was a little weird that i couldn't see.huhu. anyway,i kept repeating that mantra 'i can't see i can't see' n finally i asked the doc 'can YOU see???' n i gave the thermometer to him. hahaaa. he looked a little taken aback, but he took it. n he had a half-smile on his face n he asked again 'you can't see?' n i was like 'no...*smiling*' n he looked again n asked the same question. n the same response again. [shaking...*smile*] n he passed the thermometer to me again n said ‘look again’. so i looked. n suddenly i SAW! *hahahahaha* i know, i’m an idiot right?gagaga. believe me, i was embarrassed. menebalkan muke je time tu *malu* huhu
so now, it’s IzzOt’s[nama diubah lg] turn. n she also had pr0bs wif the thermometer. haha. u know we had to make sure the temp’s below 35 right? so if it’s not, we had to SHAKE it.downwards. until it does. so izZot here, she shaked n shacked the thermo, but the temp stayed the same. cz she wasn’t doin it downwards. so we gave her the sign language, showin the action of shakin it downwards. all 4 of us. n she shaked again. the same way as before. so we tried again. n she did the same shakin again. haha. n that cycle went for, i don’t know, 5 mins [inbetween izZ0t checked the thermo n it didn't change a thing' until finally izZ0t 'walked into the light'[only those who watched Jst Lyk Heaven wud understand] and did it the way we showed her. n vOIla! the temp went down! haha…. klako sungguh bila ingat balik..aisy..masing2 mengong. hihi.
can u imagine real doctors doin that? saying “i can’t see the mercury level, can u see?” to the patient..
Wiping the patient’s armpit[..haha]..
Shakin the temperature like a madwoman while the patient looks on, waiting,[most probably with a worried expression on their face=p]
i’m sure, in their head, they would all say…
hmmm..it’s been 3 months since i’ve arrived here in Bandung, or should i say Jatinangor, and i’m surviving. There’s not much you can complain about anyway, once you get over the fact that you’re in another country and not you own. Just to enlighten you all about the differences between here and the motherland:)
First of all, if you order ‘MEE GORENG’ in Malaysia, you get,well, mee goreng lah kan. hehe. but here, if you order mee goreng, what you’ll get MAGGIE GORENG or they call it Indomie here. haha.
Malaysia has taxis and busses as the public transport, and Indonesia has what? ANGKOT and BIS and also OJEKS. For the uninitiated, angkot is the thing that ‘angkuts‘ you from one place to another.aha.duhh.Angkut is like minivans but a little bit smaller and umm,uglier?haha.. n sometimes you have to jump out c0z if you’re not quick enuff the driver or angkot man would just drive away..haha..adventure tuh!lol. Ojeks meanwhile are basically motorcycles and driven by OJEKMANS who use their motorcycles as a source of income.lol.but its a little bit expensive coz you get to your destination faster.hihii.very useful if you wake up late c0z there’s always ojekmans lining up to bring you to class.heeheehee. And oh, BIS is what BAS is to Malaysia..dunno y they have I instead of S though. haha.
Indonesia doesn’t have Maggie!! They have Pop Mie though which is delicious yum yum! which brings me too..
People here use way too much AJINOMOTO! they practically swear by it!! haha. but seriously. no kidding.
About food again: MEE REBUS in Malaysia is mee rebus yang sangat sedap! hoho.. but if you order the same thing here…. you get MAGGIE SOUP. hahahh. with AJINOMOTO on top. literally! they dont mix it together. they just put it on top. weird i tell you. haha.
Kat sini, jajan yang orang Indon suke adalah BENG BENG! haha. which is like Safari in Malaysia. During orientation, we had to go camping at this mountain,Situ Lembang, n the Indonesian seniors asked us to find BENG BENG. n we were like, ‘what the heck is that? guns?[you, know, *bangbang=guns* you want us to bring GUNS’ hahahaha
and Oh, a few words that would be like mencarut in Malaysia but isn’t here. i won’t mention it tho. go find it yourself.hee
I’ve run out of ideas…hehe. I’ll update the list when I get some more:)
--->Hana Ajibana
HANA AJIBANA???? ape, sedare Eric Bana ke tu??? xsedap langsung okayy!!! hohoho
p:s/ nama Farhana jugak yang sedap.lalala~
Since the past few months I am in Russia I am glad to say that I have change a lot and I learnt a lot of things that I have missed during my past. I was not aware of the things around me that had drown me to the dreadful life before. Here, all the sisters took care of me I mean as in, they lead me to the right way..They didn’t force me to wear ‘HIJAB’ a.k.a tudung but they guide me to be a better person. They open up my heart and always reminded me that Allah has always knock our heart and tried to change us,but in the end everything is based on our ownself and belief. Everything starts from our own aqidah which leads to our iman.
We have usrah almost everyweek, tadabbur al-Quran, tazkirah and in fact ceramah. I am glad I was delighted to join. Not to say that during my school days I didn’t attend these kind of event. But it doesn’t seems to work for me because maybe I just don’t understand the true meaning of aqidah, iman and my beautiful Islam. Or maybe I was the one who didn’t even seems to care at all. Honestly,during my jahiliyah days in fact I still live with some of it now,i am not embarrassed to admit that because I am aware of it. I guess I was just holding the title islam in my IC n my name as a muslim which I don’t think I truly understand about it entirely. I pray 5 times in a day but I guess I don’t really go through and understand about it. Why do we have to pray? Ask yourself…
I keep on realizing that the things that I did in the past didn’t bring any benefits to me at all.. I dress up gorgeously outside,couple,holding hands and so on. What benefit do I got there? None? And for who am I dressing up for? The people out there is not even my husband and as a muslim,we all do know, “wanita solehah is meant for suami yang soleh” and what we have is only meant to be seen by our husband. We are too precious to be sold n to be shown too. This world is not my eternity. I have another world I have to go through. The world after the death of all slavers of Allah ,the day of JUDGEMENT..Kiamat..That is the world of eternity which meant I’m gonna be there forever. All my deeds will be counted to enable me to enter the precious Heaven or the burning hell.
But why in the world now people are all running for money,running for hot girls,running for position? Running to be the HOTTEST girl in town? But why none of us running for Allah? Why didn’t we search for Him? He is our Creator our lover,our God?? The question is WHY?? When I realize this I felt that how awful and how disgraced I was towards my religion. How terrible had I acted as a muslim. How I just realize that now. I’m beginning to question myself so many times. But everything needs changes right? I mean from bad to good ,to something good to even better.
Hey, I do know changes is the hardest thing to do in each and everyone of us because changes needs courage. That’s what I’m lack of now. I really need some support cause I’m not strong enough to pull myself to go through all this. This time I just noticed that it’s the people you mingle with will give a big impact to your life . Syukur alhamdulillah Allah had fated me to be with all the people who really loves and cares for me.
But that doesn’t mean we have to left or ignored our brothers or sisters who are still ‘blind’ about islam. I assume everyone knows that Islam teaches us not to left even one of our FAMILY members behind in what ever condition or situation it is. When I’m mentioning the word ‘family’ it means not only our ‘pure-blooded’ family, but our muslims brothers n sisters in the whole wide world. So you see, what I’m trying to stress out here is, when you see a muslim or someone that you know that pretty well, looks totally lost or drown to their own world. Just take a step and approach them,they need your help to guide them . Pull them together with you since all of us are depending on the same ‘rope’ which leads to Allah s.w.t.
I’ve been in this position before and I was one of them who’d lost the way,my heart was totally empty and rotten. Emptiness inside me was never been filled before until the day I was guided by the people here. Everyone who had made sins in the past doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a second chance. And doesn’t mean they deserve to be left out. Here, I’m shouting out to the people who are just like me,to make them realize that they can still change to be somebody better, although changes needs time but remember time doesn’t wait.
Come and pond a long brothers and sisters,what are we doing staring at the ceiling just thinking about our future? What if we died now? A few minutes later? Or tomorrow? We just don’t know we are able to live longer or not. When we think about our future,at the same time, think about our deeds. Is it enough for us to enter the extremely gorgeous and magnificent heaven? Think of it. It’s still not to late to change. Hopefully all of us would be in the crowd who are blessed and be loved by al-mighty Allah s.wt. Insyaallah~
p:s/ not written by me, but copied from a website..*peace* :))
I’m a competitive kind of person. I don’t like to lose. And I hate being second best. That’s me. Good is never enough for me. That’s why it’s so hard for me to take when I’m not the best in whatever I do. I’m not like some people who got not-so-great results in, say, SOCA and still smile and laugh about it. I just can’t understand it if someone’s like that. Huhu. If I was that person, I’d never tell anyone how I did and I’d just mope by myself.
I know that I shouldn’t be like this, I should be more thankful but sometimes I just can’t help it. I just get so mad at myself for not doing better. For example during SOCA [yes SOCA is still on my mind] someone got the same case as me, the same Dosen as me, the same day as me, and yet that person did so much better. SO much better! A gazillion times better than me. And I’d blame myself all over again. I know, I know. Rezeki masing-masing. Dah xde rezeki kan, who are we to question His doings? It just wasn’t my time yet. But I’m only human, you know? I’m not questioning qada’ n qadar here, I’m questioning myself. Haven’t I already learned my lesson? Enough is enough, right? Don’t repeat your past mistakes. You know you don’t want to go through it all over again. Don’t you? So why don’t you try harder??
Sometimes I think I’m so hard on myself. That I shouldn’t beat myself up so much. I know I think too much sometimes. Look here. SOCA was over last week, LAST WEEK and I still can’t get it out of my mind. Every time I hear anybody talking about it, I keep remembering how I let myself down. But then I’d force myself to stop thinking about it. Come on la Ana, get over yourself. Okay, you didn’t do as great as you expected big deal! There are bigger things going on in this world… Just move on and make sure you do better next time, alright?
Easier said than done. Easier said than done.
P:s/ Kecik [the little kitten] makin kurus n macam sakit je. I don’t know if he can make it. L
Reminder for the soul
Aku hairan dengan orang yang tahu bahawa dunia adalah sementara, tapi mengapa ia sangat mencintainya;
Aku hairan dengan orang yang mengetahui semua urusan telah ditakdirkan, tapi mengapa ia takut kehilangan;
Aku hairan dengan orang yang mengetahui bahwa hisab adalah suatu kepastian, tapi mengapa ia tetap mengum
Aku hairan dengan orang yang mengetahui panasnya api neraka, tapi mengapa ia tetap berbuat dosa;
Aku hairan dengan orang yang mengaku mengenal Allah, tapi mengapa ia meminta tolong kepada selain-Nya;
Aku hairan kepada orang yang mengaku mengetahui kenikmatan syurga, tapi mengapa ia merasa hidup tenang di dunia;
Dan aku hairan kepada orang yang mengetahui syaitan adalah musuhnya, tapi mengapa ia mentaatinya.”
Uthman bin Affan Radhiyallahu anhu
Masa umpama pedang
