There's no such thing as a happy ending on this earth...
Especially for mukmins.
Because Allah made this world for us to strive.
and we will continuously be tested.
(The path to) Paradise is surrounded by hardships,
while (the path to) the Hellfire is surrounded by temptations.
That fact won't ever change even if someone's status changes or not.
You know, we live in a world,
where muslims are suffering day by day
all over the world
and we?
All we seek is a happy ending?
Is that really what life is about?
Life goes on...
Let's be a bigger person.
Prepare yourself, as for a mukmin who dreams of reaching Jannah,
Hardships is something like a best friend.
Something that will cleanse you,
Increase your prestige,
Until with His Grace,
He decides that you are rightful of that place in Jannah.
Because our amal alone, will never be enough.
Unless He blesses us with His Mercy...
"Let those who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the cause of Allah. Whoever fights in the cause of Allah, and then is killed, or achieves victory, We will grant him a great compensation."
4: 74
"The pursuit of happiness never ends til we reach Jannah"
What we need, what we seek, is anything that can help us reach jannah.
By any means...
Kita hanya manusia, dan manusia sering terlupa. Marilah mengingatkan sesama kita, moga berjumpa di syurga~
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