I'm just sick of the situation in Perak. All full of lies, deception and hypocrites galore.
So just to be clear with things:
- It's OK for BN reps to defect and join PR(since BN is soooOOo 'corrupt' right?), xde sapa pn kata apa-apa, but when PR reps defect and join BN and BN gain a simple majority in the Dewan, suddenly they are the villains, they're the ones supposedly getting big money in offshore accounts(and of course, they get the money from BN)?? I'm being sarcastic here if you get me.
- OK fine, the 3 reps who left DAP didn't exactly 'join' BN but is merely 'BN friendly' ait? ;p
- Anwar's been talking for months about forming a new federal government by virtue of defecting BN reps and no one says a thing, but once Anwar's beaten at his own game; albeit a state government not the federal government everyone cries foul, everyone says its undemocratic bla bla bla, amboi sebelum ni sonyap ajo sume ye? Tiba-tiba ada suara pula... ajaib.
- When BN reps defect everything is good and fine, but once PR reps defect suddenly the state government HAS to be dissolved and a re-election must be done to 'return the power of the people' aih? Kalo PR overtake the fed government agak2 dia nak buat x ek? Hmmmmm.....mcm x je....
- Rupa-rupanya bijak juga 'sesiapa' yang mencipta peraturan bahawa setiap wakil rakyat harus menandatangani surat peletakan jawatan tidak bertarikh sebelum boleh menjadi wakil rakyat; so that when their allegiance is not for the respected parties anymore, the leaders of the party can simply send in the resignation letters and the seat will be vacant and force a by-election, thus effectively taking away the will of the wakil rakyats who wish to switch parties. Bijak bijak. Unfortunately you've lost your own game mister, and now you can't accept that.
Hypocrites. All of you. You claim to represent the people but the only one you represent is YOURSELF, to fulfill you own agenda. SHAME ON YOU. What, if you don't form the state government you can't serve the people ke??
These people should realise that forming a state government is not just about gaining power, it is about a huge amount of responsibility and remember, you will be asked in the afterlife of your actions.
I could go on and on since I'm so annoyed but I'm tired and sleepy and I'm sick of this
note: YOU di sini bermaksud semua ahli politik yang pandai memanipulasikan keadaan 'to suit their needs', so to speak. Tidak ditujukan kepada satu pihak sahaja, tetapi semua. I guess people know now how dirty politics can get. What happened to simply an election every 5 years?? -Post ini telah diedit-
pahamikah kamu dgn perasaanku y sntiasa trpaksa brhadapan dgn perkara cmni selama 4 tahun?..
dhla siap kna kaji dan komen lg for the sake of exam... =P
yup..i'm sick of THEM too..
most of people rite now know which/what/who is wrong n rite..who're they trying to fool?
don't worry, we have Allah.. :)
lambat atau cepat,kebenaran akan menang atas kebatilan
babe...ape ko repek nih weyh?
Perak Darul Katak a.k.a State of Frogs..ehee~
Jgn marah ye org ipoh kat ats..
Just kiddin'
this happened when they rather used The Prince than Al-Quran & As-Sunnah as their reference..
Hurrmmm..sabor je la..
Cis dikata merepek pula, daku just geram dgn org yg kjap kata lain, sat lg kata lain pulak. memula tak kisah je kalo org lompat parti tapi bila kena batang idung sendiri boleh pulak cakap tak menghiraukan pandangan rakyatla apa la... ntah pape.
Cth terbaik:rep BN yang suke lompat2 tu, ape ntah nama die, mule2 lompat DAP, DAP ok pulak; pastu bila lompat BN balik, PR(esp DAP) bising2.
(4 the record daku pn x stuju dgn lompat parti, if it happens the seat should be declared vacant, but skrg benda dah jadi.. maybe after this the law will be amended)
Lg 1 yg daku geram ialah org2 yg terlalu fanatik(especially org2 muda, yang terlalu idealistik) dengan parti sampai pijak2 gambar orang yg x sehaluan n sama parti dgn diri mereka sndiri. tak sedar ke orang tu seagama dengan dia...
n one more thing yes b4 this mmgla MB Perak orang Islam but mostly d admin is controlled by DAP n PKR since they won d most seats, n ada sorg je ahli exco Islam bt die pegang portfolio Islam je.. so isn't it a good thing that BN is claimed as d new government?
Lgpn MB Perak(or should I say ex?hmmm) skrg is Nizar only because ade clause in Undang2 Tubuh Kerajaan Negeri Perak yang state MB mesti Islam, kalo x no way DAP nak bagi MB Perak to him, pastu skrg bila Sultan titahkan resign, xnak ikut pula...kenapa? Kerana beliau ditekan oleh siapa lagi kalau bukan DAP...jengjengjeng.
Apa2 pn i'm not partial to any party, to me both parties have major problems to solve within their parties but they should get over it soon n get to work!
Ye anum anda org Perak....so apa komen anda tentang komen2 saya itu??
ko ptt mek course sc politics ar...
sgt bernas argument tuh...
ku brsetuju...
leh quote nih dlm exam paper aku..
"rep BN yang suke lompat2 tu, ape ntah nama die, mule2 lompat DAP, DAP ok pulak; pastu bila lompat BN balik, PR(esp DAP) bising2."
u mean, dato nasaruddin hashim tuh ke?..
die lompat pkr, not dap..
i had a laugh bace dr.m's comment psl bnde ni...
oh btul2 PKR bkn DAP. silap2. tu yang anwar marah sgt tu...hohohohoh
nway haja, Sc Politics??
hoho. tgk berita pn dah depressing, ape lg kne study it for 4 years? xpela, time kasih,hehe.
nwy xdela bernas mana pn, it's merely an observation that any other person can make if they really look into the situation..hehe.
my 2 cents:
bagi je pingat emas pada pemenang lompat parti tu. kita bleh cadangkan pada kementerian belia dan sukan utk wujudkan sukan ini pada SUKMA akan datang.. wahahaha!!..
lepas ni kita kena piker berapa juta kali utk vote.. vote calon atau parti.. haaa ana, kau dah layak kan.. hahaha.. sila laa daftar sebagai pengundi for next election weh.
aku sbnrnya dah tak larat nak baca pasal politik ini.. penat wehh.. ^0^
Hey hey!
sorry I didn't replied earlier.
ni baru ada masa nak pegang pc ni
sorry sgt i x dtg!
eyh babe...aq dah salah tafsir ko nye post ke nih?
ok...terus terang ckp la kan..sbg pemegang biasiswa kerajaan *poyo* aq mmg cenderung ke arah kerajaan la kan..
haish..tp d root of this problem is org Melayu yg x nak bersatu.siyes dowh!kita dah pecah2 smpi 3 4 parti pe kes?pastuh nk tunjuk2 perasaan kt dpn masjid baring2 atas jalan watpe?wat malu bangsa je ko tau..
byk menda yg change kt perak after last PRU..itu aq dgr dr ayah aq la..nak kata aq sndirik rasa aq pun x tau sbb aq kt Incredible India nih..tp karang kalo aq citer kt sinih korg ckp sbb ayah aq BN sure la ayah aq ckp yg buruk2 je kan? so x yah r aq utarakan kat sinih..=p
berminat?aq bleyh je citer in person*wink*
bangun2 la dan bersatu ye..kat India nih selalu riot,kecoh2 gaduh btween hindu-kristian-islam.kita nih Melayu ISLAM patutnya xde mslh nih...haish~~~~
aq nak ckp lebeyh2 psl agama mmg aq x ckup ilmu.tp yg aq tau,kita x leyh benarkan yg bukan islam pimpin kita..itulah rasionalnya undang2 tubuh kerajaan kat Perak tuh..bagik la peluang utk yg MB baru nih berkhidmat dulu..jgn semata2 dia mewakili satu organisasi yg xde nama islam,kita terus nk tolak ke tepi..=)
aq yg memerhati mengeluh dari kejauhan...tolonglah jaga keamanan Msia kita...sekian..
muahhahahah!diz is freaking uplifting words right??? =p
Apa2 pon kembali kepada perpaduan Islam bukan Melayu..
Digalakkan buka ni..
btw,what's ur opinion about malay sultanate institution in msia?
ye 3hb mac..islam lebih penting dan islam yang memuliakan sesuatu bangsa atau individu..kemuliaan bukan terletak pada sesuatu bangsa..knape kte asik tekankan kemelayuan dulu baru islam? 'think!'
sbbnya..most melayu is Islam kot..ntahla..sakit kepala dah baca paper psl ni..huhu..pasni tak nak komen dah...*peningpening*
pmimpin2 kita kena kembali balik pada cara pentadbiran Islam yg sebenar...barulah dihormati n disayangi rakyat...
pasni ada by election pulak kt perak...
apa2 pn kita doakanlah kebenaran akan muncul...
wah wah...haha..berpolitik nmpk.. ;p
aku setuju pendapat ko...haha..lg2 skang ble ade beberape penyokong fanatik PR mula bising ckp politik di Msia full of lies and shit....waktu abang Nuar nk take over fed via party hoping ni xde plak full of shit dgn lies nye..haha..
makcik, tahniah! anda membuat orang berfikir. teruskan usaha 'memikirkan' orang lain. ganti blog daku yang semakin berhabuk tu ye? takde laptop nk update. huhuhu....
Idea yang bernas anak pakcik yem oi!!!
Kadang2 kan susah sangat nak mengenalpasti antara kaca dan permata..
Cuma xsonok la tuduh seme sekali hipokrit satu kapal..Ada mungkin,tapi mungkin xseme.Only God nows...
Bercakap psal Perak nih,mungkin kite buley tengok dari beberapa aspek.Ada betul dan salah,bergantung pada tafsiran subjektif kita...
Sultan Azlan,hebat orangnya.Pasti jauh kehadapan pandangan Baginda..
Ir Nizar pon xsalah..Dia cube mempertahankan kebenaran dan haknya berdasrkan Undang2 Tubuh Perak....
3 Adun seberang menjadi pro-BN,dan kes lompat Dato Nasar,memang salah dorang.Mana letaknya prinsip,kepercayaan orang selama nih..Xtakut neraka ke woi!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kalo la kes lompat dari BN ke PKR,terjadi,samelar.Bangang jugak...
Rakyat marah dan kecewa,jelas sangat..Sampai sanggup turun ke jalan...
Bnayk perspekttif dalam hal nih.Emosi patut dikawal...
Cuma yang ingin ditegaskan,lompat dari yang buruk kepada yang baik xsalah.dan mestilah jugak dengan cara yang baik dan benar..
xbuley gune wang suap,pangkat,seks ke pe!!!!!!!!
abg fahmi tgh panas ke? cam nagmok je..ayat..fuh..dahsat..hehhe..
erm..bout this issue..
ingatlah, kita kna bercakap benar eventhough ianya pahit..jgn sbb nak ambil hati org etc kita sorokkan kebenaran..
hehe..btl2..hipokrit tu ditujukan pd yg hipokrit tu je..yg x hipokrit n ok2 tu, ok la..hehe.
n all tu doesn't refer to ALL politicians..cuma yg x btanggungjawab sahaja...xde la smpi nk kondem sume ahli politik n satu parti terus..itu over namanya..ngehehe.
n mmg cara 3 org yg melompat tu kurang sesuai..esp bila 2 drp mreka bkl dihadapkan ke mhkmh x lama lagi...mstila org syak wasangka....huhu
p:s/ayah pn org politik jugak..he he he.
sabar mr pres sabar. jgn marah2 =p
sjak bila ada makcik di sini...hmm...musykil..kehkeh.
Orang Pas takde yang nak melompat ke? BN,DAP ngan PKR jek...tak gaul la Pas..
ringkas tapi cukup pedas. hoho
sebabnya orang Pas tak heran dgn harta dunia ni...
yang lain, masih belum sedar dari mimpi barangkali?